Heroes Wanted


26 pages
Audiobook avaible at
iTunes, Amazon und Audible

published August 2013
Fantasy Short Stories


About the Book

This eBook contains two short stories by the same author.

Life™ – Divisions of Myths and Legends
or How to order a dragon
Mondays are hard in any office. When Siegfried von Xanthen calls before opening hours, the day at Life™ – Divisions of Myths and Legends goes downhill for Rose.

A Different Perspective
The battle at the Harzhorn mountain, Germany 230 aD: a girl and a god. Can Allfather Odin help Freyja to save her beloved Thordal’s life?


A Word from the Author

When I first wrote these stories, I never thought I’d publish them. Then, I decided to try publishing an audiobook — turns out that I cannot use the service I wanted to use without publishing the eBook first. I hope you will like these stories. „A Different Perspective“ has been published in Germany before in an anthology called „Das Tarot“.